Tuesday, April 13, 2010

KIN - friend to phone!

Yesterday I caught this announcement about KIN.com. Wow! that is a very short name. How in the world do folks find domain names with such small names. I started digging into this. Aha! KIN is well funded - it is coming from one of the billion $$ software companies - Microsoft. No wonder, they can afford to find such nice domain names. Why am i talking about domain names - observe that I had difficulties getting the domain names sorted out earlier today.

Dictionary.com has excellent meanings for this more than 1000-year old word - Dict: KIN (see dictionary directly to avoid any copyright issues). KIN is a nice word to use for friend ... it sounds poetic, romantic, and melliflous. A stronger meaning includes 'descendants of the same family'. Perhaps the hardware devices being marketed by KIN.com belong to such a definition. If I indeed buy one of these phones, i would rather load it up with more friends than family. Famliy have a way of becoming friends too (see facebook!)

Switching to the real KIN.com message - the announcement is for a new kind of phone. It comes out as a couple - Kin1 and Kin2. Or perhaps corporate speak - i should say - Kin One and Kin Two. In these days of application filled hyper phones (read iPhone) what does Kin have to offer? Social Connectivity they say. Yes, the primary purpose for my phone is to interact with my friends and family (barring a few marketing calls that i have to handle). More than applciations, i definitely want to know if my friend's son went swimming, or the daughter won the chess tournament, or better yet if the weather was great at nearby ski resort (because one of my friend went there over the weekend). Kin does make sense.

For now i am awed by the name - short, sweet, and meaningful. Nice job Microsoft. Is the product that good too?

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