Friday, March 21, 2014

Purpose, Funding and Relevance when considering new projects or startups

Today I was reading this 10 questions to ask an interviewer to checkpoint my own hiring of candidates. Often I talk to candidates about purpose of my projects and how the project may be relevant for a candidate's experience. In some of the startup projects I had done within my BIG company, I had to think about the elevator steps to climb to ship the v1. In the context the funding in terms of number of heads and how the product ships to customers are important. However for a startup the funding is a more important area. I applied the same lens of purpose, funding, and relevance to the 10 questions from Mashable. And here is the list to consider. Mashable does a nice way of collecting the information from many folks in startup to provide more depth. Thanks Mashable!


Get to know the why

What is one thing that must be done?

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

What are your founders' goals?



Get to know the feasibility

How funded are you? What is your runway?

When is your next financing round?

What is your exit strategy?

What is the sales strategy?



Get to know the fit

How does your product apply to my role?

What is the focus for the next three months?

What is the culture and environment like?

What can I learn? What contribution can I make?

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